The tendencies of red wines
Modes or trends are fine; However, some finer nuances are not so bad.
We present the new Entrevins blog where we will explain the trends of the wine market. Believe it or not, wines are also subject to fashion. All the wineries want to sell their products and adapt the wines to the taste of the customer… or is it the customer adapting to the taste of the wines? The eternal question. The wine critics mark the trend; or maybe they just observe reality and explain it in their articles or post.
In this medley we will explain “things”, as some current politician would say… things that may interest you. That is why we are open to ideas that you can send us by any possible way, but particularly through the social networks.
Today we talk about red wines. If you remember how they were, in general, ten years ago, and compare them with the current ones, you will see an abysmal difference.
The wines that scored high in guides were “powerful”, not to say that they were harder than nails. Wines that left a sensation of drought in our mouths because of the tannins. Hyper-structured wines produced with maximum removal of the grape skin and aged in new barrels. Interesting wines for tasting, but daring you to finish a whole bottle.
Believe it or not, things change. We still find wines of this style; but the tendency is to go towards softness. Like in history and economy, tendencies go up and down. After a period of forcefulness, now we live in times for softness.
Current red wines (those with highest scores) are soft and elegant, they tend subtlety. Wines where the taste of wood does not overpower the taste of grape fruits. Wines that taste lighter in the mouth. Bottles of those wines fall one after the other without even realizing
What’s the problem now? Some of those wines are really so subtle that they seem watered down. Of course they can be drunk very easily but lose all their character.
In conclusion, the modes or trends are fine; However, some finer nuances are not so bad.