We can make you a descriptive wine list that will help you sell better and improve your service.
We can offer you training for your room or store team to improve your customer service.
We can propose the best wine solutions for your business (physical store or online).
If you have any multimedia ideas related to the wine but feel a bit lame, we will be your wine crutch.
We have been trainers in schools for caterers and sommeliers; For this reason, we can create unique oenological experiences and unbelievable pairings.
(wine paired with music / with dancing / with gymkhana ...).
Let's play with our imagination!
That is why we offer groupings of different wines. If you order a pallet of 50 boxes / 300 bottles, we can offer you a selection of Spanish wines for your store or restaurant.
Exclusive wines that only you will sell!
A good label, a good campaign in the networks to position your wines... Let's be creative and your products will go far.
Is there a better way to get a group of friends, a company or an association into the groove? Wine is the excuse; great experiences are forever.